Get ready to dive into the ‘Ultimate Guide For Real Estate Video Marketing’ by James Polinori, industry veteran and Chief Marketing Officer of Geneva Financial Mortgage.
Video. That word – the one that creeps into your nightmares. The thing you know you should be doing and swear you’re going to force yourself to commit to.
Let’s address two things about video marketing straight away…
- It’s not as scary as you think. Sure, it can be daunting, overwhelming even. Planning is your friend in the real estate video marketing game. The number one trick for calming your nerves on camera: being prepared. This guide will help you do exactly that.
- Not every video needs to have you in it. At the end of the day it’s your brand that matters. You could premiere new videos every week for an entire year and only have to be on camera 12 times yourself. Sounds a little less intimidating, right? Read on to learn how!
See: Mortgage Careers at Geneva Financial Home Loans
“I don’t even know where to begin!”
By now everyone and their Facebook loving grandma knows that video is where it’s at. I could dive into all kinds of statistics and analytics and you’d be closing this article in about 5 seconds. Videos get more engagement and the SEO factor on YouTube will bring you leads, that’s all you need to know.
The “why” is obvious. The “how” – not as clear for many people. This guide will help you get organized, plan your content, find the right equipment and resources and set you on the path to becoming a well-executed video marketing pro with the leads to back it up!
Video content is one instance where quantity holds far greater value than quality. You could have the worst videos ever recorded (we’ve all seen them) – but if you’re delivering them consistently, building in your keywords and anchoring them on your YouTube channel (more on that later), you’ll win all day long over someone that comes out with a slick video once in a blue moon.
Tips For Video Consistency
Create at least 4 videos before posting your first one. If you start with a back-stock of content and continue creating, you will allow yourself a cushion for when you get busy, sick, go on vacation, etc. Just make sure when life returns to normal that you create extra videos to “restock” your cushion.
Mix it up. If you find yourself in a pinch or lacking a concept to do a pre-recorded video, go LIVE on your Facebook business page with the Facebook Live function. Even if no one jumps on (see section below on planning FB Live), Facebook records the video and posts it to your page. Facebook will allow you to download the video so you can house it on YouTube and share to other platforms.
This is where most people fail the video game. Trying to think about a topic last minute adds to the already overwhelming pressure of being on camera. STEP 1 before doing absolutely anything else: decide your topics for an entire year before recording video #1. This planner can be used to plan ALL your content for the year, not just video.
It may sound daunting, but it’s easier than you think. Follow these easy tips below and you’re well on your way!
Tips For Planning Video & Marketing Content For A year
- Use an excel spreadsheet with the first column named “TOPIC” and create rows under it with “Week 1”, “Week 2” all the way down to “Week 52”.
- In each row, type in a topic or commonly asked question.
- Next to the “TOPIC” column, create 3 more columns and label them “VIDEO”, “INFOGRAPHIC” and “ARTICLE” so you can place the planned delivery date in the box once you’ve created or found the content for that specific topic.
There’s a ton of content value in the relationships you hold, both inside the real estate industry and out. Interviews and features are a great way to create content that takes a little pressure off yourself when it comes to being on camera.
Tips For Real Estate Video Marketing: Who Do You Know?
Vendor Interviews:
Think about everyone involved in a real estate transaction. Think about services homebuyers and homeowners use. Identify or create relationships in every category you can think of (you can leverage these relationships far beyond video, by the way). Determine which of these individuals might present well on camera and ask them to either let you interview them on camera or shoot their own video on the selected topic and let you brand it and post it.
>>> Lenders, Title Agents, Home Warranty, Insurance, Movers, Painters, Stagers, Interior Designers, Landscape Designers and Solar companies are just a few good options.
>>> A web meeting platform like ZOOM is a great way to conduct an interview that can be less intimidating for both parties. Just make sure to record the session!
Community Features:
Who do you know that is a “mover and shaker” in your own community? Who are your small business owners in your area? What events are going on in your community?
>>> Spotlight people, places and events on video. Think outside the real estate box. Do a review on a locally owned restaurant or coffee shop.
>>> Join an existing Facebook Group for your community (look for the one with the most members) and ask the moderators if it’s ok for you to post about things happening in the area, restaurant reviews, deals, etc. If you want to do the work, create your own Group for the community and call it “[YOUR CITY] Events and Reviews”. Post video and other content to the group and encourage members to share and engage.
Go “On Location”: Once you’ve established relationships with small business owners in your community, ask them if you can shoot a video in their shop. Cover one of your real estate topics but mention where you are. >>> SAMPLE SCRIPT: “Hi everyone! Coming at ya live from Joe’s Coffee shop. Joe’s is my spot when I need to get some quiet work done. It’s locally owned and has been here since 1958! I love the Caramel Mocha Delight but I’m looking to try something new – if you know Joe’s and have a favorite, drop me a recommendation in the comments so I can look it up next time I’m here. Ok, this week we’re talking about 5 things first-time homebuyers should know…”
The first rule in business: Identify a need in the market and fulfill it better than anyone else. Recognizing problems or challenges humans face is the first step in identifying a need.
The first rule in branding: Your customer is the hero of your brand story. YOU are never the hero of the story.
Focus on telling your brand story through your clients. When preparing to present a client story to the public think about the two things above. What was the problem or challenge they faced? What was THEIR journey, not yours.
“Hey everyone, Randy Realtor here. I’m waiting in line for my Starbucks so I thought I’d drop a video on y’all. I need my Starbucks ‘cuz I was up most of the night hashtag crushing it. I’ve got a closing later with a couple. This is my fifth closing this month! I spent hours researching a ton of neighborhoods for them and I knocked it out of the park with the perfect pad in a trendy part of town. So don’t forget, for all your real estate needs, call me.
What’s wrong with this approach?
Seems like a normal social media video, right? What’s lacking here, no matter how smooth Randy may have delivered it, is a connection to the real hero of the story, the client. By making himself the hero of the story, he’s primarily connecting with, you guessed it, other real estate agents. While they may be good as happy hour buddies, I can guarantee you other agents won’t be using him for their personal real estate deals.
“Hey guys. I just dropped off keys to such a great couple. They got married a little over a year ago and have been sharing a 1 bedroom 700 square foot apartment. Well, right before they called me they found out they are unexpectedly expecting and that 1 bedroom apartment wasn’t going to work.
They both had been working two jobs for two years to save and they really wanted an extra year of savings before they bought, but they were surprised at what they could afford in today’s market. Being new parents, they wanted to be around other young families.
Capture their “must haves”.
They’re also very active and wanted a bit of lifestyle surrounding them. As soon as they told me that I thought of this up and coming area that is being revitalized and drawing young “urban parent” types.
I’m actually at an amazing coffee shop right in the neighborhood. There’s a lot going on in this area and the revitalization project is still young, so property values should do pretty well. If this is your scene and you’ve been toying with the idea of buying, let me know. I’d love to take you on a tour of all the shops and restaurants and see what’s available. This is a hot spot for Air B&B’s too for all you investors out there! I’m going to drop a link to listings in this area in the first comment of this post. My contact info is in the written part of this post and don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel if you want to stay on top of up and coming neighborhoods!
“Welcome to REAL Stories – I’m your host Randy Realtor and I’m sitting on this incredible terrace with Jon and Janet Johnson who just bought this home. I still can’t get over this view you guys!
JAN: Yeah it’s a lot better than the view of the apartment complex dumpster.
YOU: I would imagine so. It was a pretty small place, right?
JON: It was 1 bedroom and 700 square feet. Pretty cramped.
YOU: That is pretty small, but it was about to get a little more cramped, right?
JAN: Yes. Jon and I were married a little over a year ago and we were planning on waiting another to year buy a home, but we found out we were expecting our first baby.
YOU: I’m so excited for you! I remember when I met you guys that you had already been saving up because a baby was in the plans.
JON: Yeah we both have been working two jobs for the past two years in order to save up for a down payment. A third year of savings was our goal, but this worked out perfectly.
YOU: I’m so glad you guys found something you loved even though your timeline was pushed up. I think you’re going to love being in this new area with other young families.
JAN: Oh we love this area! Thank you for all the research you did on neighborhoods. This area is exactly what we wanted with that young on-the-go urban parent vibe. The coffee spots and local eateries are amazing and a short walk away.
YOU: They’ve done a great job with the revitalization project in this area. The property values are expected to do really well here. I love stopping at that coffee shop on the corner when I’m down here – we’ll have to meet up, I can’t wait to meet your new bundle!
JAN: We would love that!
Now we’re video marketing!
You’ve now targeted people that are themselves or know someone in a very specific demographic. You’ve connected with them on a personal level through the story of your clients. They are now imagining themselves sipping coffee in that shop, walking their dog to the patio breakfast spot, taking their baby for a walk in the stroller.
The end result: You helped them imagine themselves inside the story and now they know you’re the one that can get them there.
Get at least 4 clients a year to document their entire experience on camera, from looking at the listings you sent them online to driving neighborhoods, to deciding between two properties, putting in an offer, the excitement of getting the offer accepted, etc. Make sure you have them sign a waiver. They are easy to locate online.
- TIP: Use video conferencing like ZOOM where you can share your screen and have your faces on screen at the same time. Present the properties you found them and talk about what they like or don’t. These sessions can be recorded and used in your storytelling video about that client’s entire journey.
As a licensed professional, trust is a key factor in winning over new clients. People want to work with someone they feel is knowledgable and a trustworthy resource in their area of service.
Video and social media are prime avenues to go beyond merely educating potential clients — they allow you to spotlight yourself as an expert at your craft and establish a level of trust before you’ve even spoken to the prospect.
Tips For Creating a “Real Estate Expert Series” of Videos
Plan, Plan, Plan: Similar to planning delivery of all your social media content, your first step to marketing yourself as an expert is to create a plan of attack. Use the Content Plan you create using the planner provided in the earlier section of this article, start to research those topics you’ve identified for each week. Educate yourself and jot down the important talking points that might be of interest to your audience. A simple note card with your bullet points in front of you will help you make a higher quality video that feels organized and easy to follow. Use those bullet points to create title graphics when you or someone you hire are editing the video.
Get Interactive:
Interactive sessions will draw more views and encourage future engagement with your audience. Plan a monthly Facebook LIVE “Ask Me Anything” session to encourage audience to join you and ask questions in real time.
To assure a sizable audience on your live sessions, create a Facebook event and invite your friends. Send an email blast with a link to join the Facebook event. Now you have a captured audience and can go live inside the event page at the scheduled time.
If you want to get more advanced, create a Facebook GROUP for your market area — “Phoenix Residents” for example — and post updates on when your next “Ask Me Anything” session is.
PRO TIP: Prepare questions in advance and start the session saying “Ok, some people emailed me their questions so we’re going to answer those first.” — this way you’re not sitting in silence when no one has a question right off the bat.
The entire point of taking on a real estate video marketing strategy is to increase business. Video can be a powerful tool for getting found online. Make sure you designate an online space to host all of your videos, preferably on platforms that help your SEO. Your website, YouTube and Vimeo are your best bets to improve online visibility. If you have to choose one, go with YouTube — the video platform is not only the most popular among consumers but is also owned by Google. When a consumer does a Google search, the videos included in the search results will primarily be YouTube as Google wants to support its own video platform — use that to your advantage.
Check out this guide to learn how to properly SEO your videos on YouTube (HINT: The process is quite similar on Vimeo)
YouTube SEO: How to Optimize Videos for YouTube Search
One of the top questions I get related to real estate video marketing is what kind of equipment and software/apps to use. That answer changes as rapidly as the technology available in this space. The real answer is “whatever you’re going to consistently use”. Fancy equipment and editing programs are no good to you if you’re too intimidated to use them.
Keep it simple and don’t overthink it. Studies show that the most watched videos on social media are raw and real. Over-produced video can sometimes put your audience in a sales resistance mode. Find some inexpensive tools to help you keep the camera steady like tripods with phone attachments and lapel microphones for quality sound. Newer model phones all have super high quality video recording capabilities — the iPhone 10 and later can shoot in 4k — there’s no need to buy an expensive camera unless you completely geek out on that kind of thing.
Below are a few links to suggested equipment to help support your real estate video marketing efforts.
Now you’re ready to tackle a video plan to support your business efforts. I hope after reading this guide you feel at least a little more prepared to incorporate this powerful medium into your marketing efforts.
I’d love to hear how this works for you or any questions you have — feel free to email jamesp@genevafi.com with feedback, questions or just to show me your latest video!
Ok… lights, camera… now go take action!
About The Author

Through digital, video, social, education, event and consumer-direct platforms, James Polinori has provided power behind numerous brand names in multiple industry spaces. The achieved brand power was utilized to attract talent, market partners and consumers – resulting in up to 600% growth, including helping to dominate the Arizona territory for a national mortgage company by outperforming the leading competitor, Quicken Loans.
Polinori has been in the mortgage and real estate space since 2008 and took on the role of Chief Marketing Officer for Geneva Financial in late 2018. James is an avid chef, interior designer and music enthusiast and is most proud of his life with his Partner and their “kids” – 2 Siberian Huskies and 2 Chiweenies.